Adding Ladder from ac
2013-07-27, 03:59 PM
Adding Ladder from ac
I try to adding the ladder with current stats and total stats from ac ladder script but give me error showbindstats command not know! is possible added the ladder script to acr? All playability of game is really good but have a ladder will be great!
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2013-07-27, 05:43 PM
RE: Adding Ladder from ac
There already are several Ladder mapmodels and ladder entity (an entity allowing to climb on clips (including mapmodel ones) and walls), an they are from AC. I don't understand what you actually mean. Can you explain what you mean, or post this script ?

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2013-07-28, 12:35 AM (This post was last modified: 2013-07-28, 09:20 AM by Victor.)
RE: Adding Ladder from ac
For ladder i would mean ranking on ac you can see current stats and total stats of all game you haved play and ladder id the name not was invented by me^^!

This is the script who load in ac and it need to put in script folder and loaded fron autoexec:
//               a_stats.cfg - Last revision: November 30th, 2010                //
//                                                    //
//                 My Personal Ladder (MPL) Script v.93                    //
//                     By Bukz & V-Man of DES                        //
//         IMPORTANT:                                        //
//            Read and understand the included "README_mpl.txt" file                    //
//            before installing or using this script. Failure to do so                //
//            may result in lots of unexpected errors and not utilizing               //
//            the script and all of it's capabilities. This script will                //
//            only work with AssaultCube v1.1.0.4 (1104) or higher.                    //
//                                                    //
// ************************************************************************************************ //
// Section 0: Tools
// initialize -- predefines an alias if it does not already exist
alias checkinit [if (checkalias $arg1) [] [alias $arg1 0]]
alias initialize [loop i (listlen $arg1) [checkinit (at $arg1 $i)]]

// check2add -- a sane way to generically standardize check-based alias and keybind addition by DES|V-Man
alias addcheck [if (strstr $arg1 $arg2) [] [add2alias $arg1 $arg2]]
alias add2bind [if (strstr (keybind $arg1) $arg2) [] [bind $arg1 (concat (keybind $arg1) ";" $arg2)]]
alias add2list [if (strcmp "" (getalias $arg1)) [$arg1 = $arg2] [$arg1 = (concat (getalias $arg1) $arg2)]]]
// Some commonly-used native aliases
alias addcheck_msa [addcheck mapstartalways $arg1]
alias addcheck_mso [addcheck mapstartonce $arg1]
alias addcheck_si [addcheck start_intermission $arg1]
alias addcheck_onquit [addcheck onQuit $arg1]
alias addcheck_sb [addcheck sbconnect $arg1]
// A way to not only add aliases to be cleared on quitting, but to also conveniently be able to see which aliases originate from specific scripts:
alias addlistonquit [alias_list = $arg1; loop i (+ (listlen $alias_list ) 1) [addOnQuit (concat "delalias" (at $alias_list $i))]]

// findbind -- A method of back-searching for key commands, phrases, or aliases in keybinds -- by DES|V-Man
alias bindcheck [if (strstr (keybind $arg1) $arg2) [result 1] [result 0]]
// The initiator
alias findbind [
alias bindloopresult []
alias itemtofind $arg1
result $bindloopresult]
// The loop
alias findbind_loop [
loop i 144 [if (bindcheck (at $keylist $i) $itemtofind) [alias bindloopresult (concat $bindloopresult (at $keylist $i))] []]]
// The list
// Methods for dealing with multiple results in findbind
alias numbinds [listlen (findbind $arg1)] // number of keys having the designated term in their binds
// add2bind every key that has the designated term
alias add2eachbind [
alias addition $arg2
if (findbind $arg1) [
loop i (numbinds $itemtofind) [add2bind (at (findbind $itemtofind) $i) $addition]]]
// ************************************************************************************************
// Section 1: Alias management
curfrags = 0
curdeaths = 0
curscore = 0
curflags = 0
ftkst = 0
htkst = 0
stkst = 0
ktkst = 0
gtkst = 0
tkst = 0
cursniper = 0
cursmg = 0
curar = 0
curshot = 0
curcarb = 0
curusp = 0
curaki = 0
curnade = 0
curknife = 0
curknifedmg = 0
cursniperdmg = 0
cursmgdmg = 0
curardmg = 0
curshotdmg = 0
curcarbdmg = 0
curuspdmg = 0
curakidmg = 0
curnadedmg = 0
cfst = 0
dfst = 0
hfst = 0
kfst = 0
lfst = 0
sfst = 0
gbst = 0
hsst = 0
knst = 0
spst = 0
suicides = 0
scoped = 0
scopeshot = 0
scoping = 0
chksst = 0
curscore = 0
oldsmag = 5
addlistonquit [ calc clrst clrats stats get_stats rksmsg rksmsgs conextras showcurstatsbind showatstatsbind statsmenu modmenu fratio curratio sksmsg cksst oldsmag ]

if (checkalias atfratio) [] [atfratio = "0.0"]
if (checkalias 5ksmsg) [] [5ksmsg = " 05x 3kill streak!"]
if (checkalias 10ksmsg) [] [10ksmsg = " 010x 3kill streak!!"]
if (checkalias 15ksmsg) [] [15ksmsg = " 015x 3kill streak!!"]
if (checkalias 20ksmsg) [] [20ksmsg = " 020x 3kill streak!!"]

// Make all-time stats collecting aliases if they do not already exist.
initialize [ atflags atfrags atdeaths atscore atratio atsniper atsniperdmg atsmg atsmgdmg atshot atshotdmg atar atardmg atcarb atcarbdmg atusp atuspdmg atnade atnadedmg ataki atakidmg atknife atknifedmg clast rvsfst games_played attkst athtkst atstkst atgtkst atktkst atftkst athsst atknst atspst atgbst atcfst atdfst athfst atlfst atkfst atsfst atsuicides gmst mpst tdmst dmst tsvst svst ctfst htfst ktfst tktfst pfst lssst osokst tosokst btdmst bdmst bosokst coopst aqueousst arabianst arcticst aridst complexst depotst desertst desert2st desert3st douzest elevationst gothicst iceroadst ingressst kellerst minesst outpostst powerst rattrapst scaffoldst shinest snowst sunsetst toxicst urbanst werkst acstart atscoped rvsfst clast offmpst cstmpst athksst ffast botst mplextras ggst strst sksmsg atscopeshot atflagspm atfragspm atdeathpm ]
// Make Section 4 aliases if they do not already exist.
initialize [ totalgametime m_reloaded at_m_reloaded times_jumped at_jumps times_crouched at_crouch f1s at_f1s f2s at_f2s minimaplooks at_minimaplooks times_saybind at_times_saybind times_vc at_times_vc afktime at_afktime autoreloaded at_autoreloaded kibp autosd ]
// clrst: Function used to clear temporary stats holding and script flow aliases on every map start.
clrst = [
    strst = 0
    hsst = 0
    knst = 0
    spst = 0
    gbst = 0
    cfst = 0
    dfst = 0
    lfst = 0
    kfst = 0
    sfst = 0
    tkst = 0
    htkst = 0
    ktkst = 0
    ftkst = 0
    gtkst = 0
    stkst = 0
    suicides = 0
    scoped = 0
    scopeshot = 0
    gmst = 0
    mpst = 0
    cksst = 0
    chksst = 0
    fratio = "0.0"
    curratio = "0.0"
    sksmsg = 0
// clrats: Function used to clear all-time statistics "on-the-fly" via user input.
clrats = [
    if (= $arg1 1) [
        atcfst = 0
        atdfst = 0
        athfst = 0
        atkfst = 0
        atlfst = 0
        atsfst = 0
        atfrags = 0
        atdeaths = 0
        atsuicides = 0
        atscore = 0
        atratio = 0
        atgbst = 0
        athsst = 0
        atknst = 0
        atspst = 0
        atftkst = 0
        athtkst = 0
        atstkst = 0
        atktkst = 0
        atgtkst = 0
        attkst = 0
        atsniper = 0
        atsniperdmg = 0
        atsmg = 0
        atsmgdmg = 0
        atar = 0
        atardmg = 0
        atshot = 0
        atshotdmg = 0
        atcarb = 0
        atcarbdmg = 0
        atusp = 0
        atuspdmg = 0
        ataki = 0
        atakidmg = 0
        atnade = 0
        atnadedmg = 0
        atknife = 0
        atknifedmg = 0
        acstart = 0
        atscoped = 0
        tdmst = 0
        dmst = 0
        tsvst = 0
        svst = 0
        ctfst = 0
        htfst = 0
        ktfst = 0
        tktfst = 0
        pfst = 0
        lssst = 0
        osokst = 0
        tosokst = 0
        btdmst = 0
        bdmst = 0
        bosokst = 0
        coopst = 0
        aqueousst = 0
        arabianst = 0
        arcticst = 0
        aridst = 0
        complexst = 0
        depotst = 0
        desertst = 0
        desert2st = 0
        desert3st = 0
        douzest = 0
        elevationst = 0
        gothicst = 0
        iceroadst = 0
        ingressst = 0
        kellerst = 0
        minesst = 0
        outpostst = 0
        powerst = 0
        rattrapst = 0
        scaffoldst = 0
        shinest = 0
        snowst = 0
        sunsetst = 0
        toxicst = 0
        urbanst = 0
        werkst = 0
        rvsfst = 0
        clast = 0
        cstmpst = 0
        offmpst = 0
        athksst = 0
        ffast = 0
        botst = 0
        atfratio = "0.0"
        atratio = "0.0"
        ggst = 0
        atscopeshot = 0
        atflagspm = 0
        atfragsmp = 0
        atdeathpm = 0
        games_played = 0
    ] []]
// if (strstr $mapstartalways oldsmag) [] [ // Um... Isn't that redundant?
addcheck_msa [oldsmag = 5]
addcheck_msa [sleep 5 [if (= $strst 0) [stratvalues 1] []]]
addcheck_msa [sleep 10 [clrst]]
addcheck_msa [sleep 15 [get_stats]]
addcheck_msa [alias gamestarttime (millis)]
addcheck_msa [alias tmp_millis (millis)]
addcheck_msa [autorlcheck]
addcheck_msa [section4dump]
// ]
// if (strstr $start_intermission games_played) [] [
addcheck_si [+= games_played 1]
addcheck_si [if (= $autosd 1) [stats] []]
// ]
// ************************************************************************************************
// Section 2: Collection and calculation
+= acstart 1
// calc: Function used for gathering and calculating stats.
calc = [
    curflags = (at (pstat_score (findcn $curname)) 0)
    curfrags = (at (pstat_score (findcn $curname)) 1)
    curdeaths = (at (pstat_score (findcn $curname)) 2)
    curscore = (at (pstat_score (findcn $curname)) 3)
    cursniper = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 10)
    cursniperdmg = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 11)
    cursmg = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 8)
    cursmgdmg = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 9)
    curar = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 12)
    curardmg = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 13)
    curshot = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 6)
    curshotdmg = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 7)
    curcarb = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 4)
    curcarbdmg = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 5)
    curusp = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 2)
    curuspdmg = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 3)
    curaki = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 18)
    curakidmg = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 19)
    curnade = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 16)
    curnadedmg = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 17)
    curknife = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 0)
    curknifedmg = (at (pstat_weap (findcn $curname)) 1)
    if (< $curdeaths 2) [ // Calculate ratio.
        curratio = (concatword $curfrags ".0")
    ] [
        curratio = (divf $curfrags $curdeaths)
    fratio = (divf $cfst $sfst)
    calc_per_minute frags_per_minute $curfrags
    calc_per_minute flags_per_minute $curflags
    calc_per_minute death_per_minute $curdeaths
        if (&& (<= $minutesremaining 0) (= $strst 0)) [ // Add current stats to all-time totals during intermission only.
            += atfrags $curfrags
            += atdeaths $curdeaths
            += atscore $curscore
            += atflags $curflags
            += atftkst $ftkst // Various types of teamkills.
            += athtkst $htkst
            += atstkst $stkst
            += atktkst $ktkst
            += atgtkst $gtkst
            += attkst $tkst
            += atsniper $cursniper // # of shots per weapon.
            += atsmg $cursmg
            += atar $curar
            += atshot $curshot
            += atcarb $curcarb
            += atusp $curusp
            += ataki $curaki
            += atnade $curnade
            += atknife $curknife
            += atsniperdmg $cursniperdmg // Per weapon damage stats.
            += atsmgdmg $cursmgdmg
            += atardmg $curardmg
            += atshotdmg $curshotdmg
            += atcarbdmg $curcarbdmg
            += atuspdmg $curuspdmg
            += atakidmg $curakidmg
            += atnadedmg $curnadedmg
            += atknifedmg $curknifedmg
            += atcfst $cfst // Various flag events.
            += atdfst $dfst
            += athfst $hfst
            += atkfst $kfst
            += atlfst $lfst
            += atsfst $sfst
            += atgbst $gbst // Various kill stats.
            += athsst $hsst
            += atknst $knst
            += atspst $spst
            += atsuicides $suicides
            += atscoped $scoped
            += atscopeshot $scopeshot
        if (> $chksst $athksst) [ // Highest kill streak ever.
            athksst = $chksst
        ] []
            atfratio = (divf $atcfst $atsfst)
            atscoreavg = (divf $curscore $games_played) // Average score.
            if (< $atdeaths 2) [ // Calculate ratio.
                atratio = (concatword $atfrags ".0")
            ] [
                atratio = (divf $atfrags $atdeaths)
        if (= $connected 1) [ // "gg" counter.
            if (= (strstr (at $conline 0) $curname) 1) [
                if (|| (= (strcmp (at $conline 1) "gg") 1) (= (strcmp (at $conline 1) "GG") 1)) [
                    += ggst 1; conline [  ]
                ] []
            ] []
        ] []
        if (= (curmodeattr team) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [
                if (= (curteam) 1) [
                    += rvsfst 1
                ] [
                    += clast 1
            ] []
        ] []
        atflagspm = (divf $atflags (divf $totalgametime 60000))
        atfragspm = (divf $atfrags (divf $totalgametime 60000))
        atdeathpm = (divf $atdeaths (divf $totalgametime 60000))
        strst = 1 // Avoid doubling up.
        ] []
    if (= $gamemode 0) [
        modest = "TDM"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += tdmst 1] []] []
    ] [
    if (= $gamemode 2) [
        modest = "DM"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += dmst 1; += ffast 1] []] []
    ] [
    if (= $gamemode 4) [
        modest = "TSURV"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += tsvst 1] []] []
    ] [
    if (= $gamemode 3) [
        modest = "SURV"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += svst 1; += ffast 1] []] []
    ] [
    if (= $gamemode 5) [
        modest = "CTF"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += ctfst 1] []] []
    ] [
    if (= $gamemode 13) [
        modest = "HTF"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += htfst 1] []] []
    ] [
    if (= $gamemode 15) [
        modest = "KTF"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += ktfst 1; += ffast 1] []] []
    ] [
    if (= $gamemode 14) [
        modest = "TKTF"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += tktfst 1] []] []
    ] [
    if (= $gamemode 6) [
        modest = "PF"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += pfst 1; += ffast 1] []] []
    ] [
    if (= $gamemode 9) [
        modest = "LSS"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += lssst 1; += ffast 1] []] []
    ] [
    if (= $gamemode 10) [
        modest = "OSOK"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += osokst 1; += ffast 1] []] []
    ] [
    if (= $gamemode 11) [
        modest = "TOSOK"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += tosokst 1] []] []
    ] [
    if (= $gamemode 7) [
        modest = "BTDM"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += btdmst 1; += botst 1] []] []
    ] [
    if (= $gamemode 8) [
        modest = "BDM"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += bdmst 1; += ffast 1; += botst 1] []] []
    ] [
    if (= $gamemode 12) [
        modest = "BOSOK"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += bosokst 1; += ffast 1; += botst 1] []] []
    ] [
    if (= $gamemode 1) [
        modest = "COOP"
        if (= $gmst 0) [if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [gmst = 1; += coopst 1] []] []
    ] []]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

    if (= $mpst 0) [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_aqueous) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += aqueoussst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_arabian) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += arabianst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_arctic) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += arcticst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_arid) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += aridst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_complex) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += complexst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_depot) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += depotst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_desert) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += desertst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_desert2) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += desert2st 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_desert3) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += desert3st 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_douze) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += douzest 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_elevation) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += elevationst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_gothic) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += gothicst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_iceroad) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += iceroadst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_ingress) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += ingressst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_keller) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += kellerst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_mines) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += minesst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_outpost) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += outpostst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_power) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += powerst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_rattrap) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += rattrapst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_scaffold) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += scaffoldst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_shine) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += shinest 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_snow) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += snowst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_sunset) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += sunsetst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_toxic) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += toxicst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_urban) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += urbanst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [
        if (= (strcmp (curmap 1) ac_werk) 1) [
            if (|| (= $connected 1) (= (curmodeattr bot) 1)) [mpst = 1; += werkst 1; += offmpst 1] []
        ] [+= cstmpst 1; mpst = 1]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] []]

stratvalues = [
    if (= $arg1 1) [
        += atfrags $curfrags
        += atdeaths $curdeaths
        += atscore $curscore
        += atflags $curflags
        += atftkst $ftkst
        += athtkst $htkst
        += atstkst $stkst
        += atktkst $ktkst
        += atgtkst $gtkst
        += attkst $tkst
        += atsniper $cursniper
        += atsmg $cursmg
        += atar $curar
        += atshot $curshot
        += atcarb $curcarb
        += atusp $curusp
        += ataki $curaki
        += atnade $curnade
        += atknife $curknife
        += atsniperdmg $cursniperdmg
        += atsmgdmg $cursmgdmg
        += atardmg $curardmg
        += atshotdmg $curshotdmg
        += atcarbdmg $curcarbdmg
        += atuspdmg $curuspdmg
        += atakidmg $curakidmg
        += atnadedmg $curnadedmg
        += atknifedmg $curknifedmg
        += atcfst $cfst
        += atdfst $dfst
        += athfst $hfst
        += atkfst $kfst
        += atlfst $lfst
        += atsfst $sfst
        += atgbst $gbst
        += athsst $hsst
        += atknst $knst
        += atspst $spst
        += atsuicides $suicides
        += atscoped $scoped
        += atscopeshot $scopeshot
        if (> $chksst $athksst) [
            athksst = $chksst
        ] []
        atscoreavg = (divf $atscore $games_played)
        if (< $atdeaths 2) [ // Calculate ratio.
            atratio = (concatword $atfrags ".0")
        ] [
        atratio = (divf $atfrags $atdeaths)
        atflagspm = (divf $atflags (divf $totalgametime 60000))
        atfragsmp = (divf $atfrags (divf $totalgametime 60000))
        atdeathpm = (divf $atdeaths (divf $totalgametime 60000))
    ] []]

// Time-based stats
alias gametimeref (millis)
alias calc_gametime [alias gameendtime (millis); alias gametime (- $gameendtime $gamestarttime)] // in milliseconds
alias calc_per_minute [calc_gametime; alias $arg1 (divf $arg2 (divf $gametime 60000))] // per-minute stats; reset each round
alias calculateshowtime [
+= totalgametime (- (millis) $gametimeref)
alias hoursplayed (div $totalgametime 3600000)
alias minutesplayed (- (div $totalgametime 60000) (* $hoursplayed 60))
alias secondsplayed (- (- (div $totalgametime 1000) (* $minutesplayed 60)) (* $hoursplayed 3600))
alias gametimeref (millis)]

addOnQuit [stratvalues 1]
addOnQuit [+= totalgametime (- (millis) $gametimeref)]
// ************************************************************************************************
// Section 3: conline checking loop
// get_stats: Function used for gathering stats that pstat_score cannot access.
get_stats = [
    if (= (strstr $conline " 3you fragged teammate") 1) [
        += tkst 1; += ftkst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (= (strstr $conline " 3you headshot teammate") 1) [
        += tkst 1; += htkst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (= (strstr $conline " 3you splattered teammate") 1) [
        += tkst 1; += stkst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (= (strstr $conline " 3you slashed teammate") 1) [
        += tkst 1; += ktkst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (= (strstr $conline " 3you gibbed teammate") 1) [
        += tkst 1; += gtkst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (&& (= (strstr $conline "you fragged") 1) (= (strstr $conline " 3teammate") 0)) [
        += cksst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (&& (= (strstr $conline "you headshot") 1) (= (strstr $conline " 3teammate") 0)) [
        += hsst 1; += cksst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (&& (= (strstr $conline "you slashed") 1) (= (strstr $conline " 3teammate") 0)) [
        += knst 1; += cksst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (&& (= (strstr $conline "you splattered") 1) (= (strstr $conline " 3teammate") 0)) [
        += spst 1; += cksst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (&& (= (strstr $conline "you gibbed") 1) (= (strstr $conline " 3teammate") 0)) [
        += gbst 1; += cksst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (&& (= (strcmp (at $conline 0) " 2you") 1) (= (strstr $conline "were fragged by") 1)) [
        cksst = 0; sksmsg = 0; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (&& (= (strcmp (at $conline 0) " 2you") 1) (= (strstr $conline "were headshot by") 1)) [
        cksst = 0; sksmsg = 0; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (&& (= (strcmp (at $conline 0) " 2you") 1) (= (strstr $conline "were slashed by") 1)) [
        cksst = 0; sksmsg = 0; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (&& (= (strcmp (at $conline 0) " 2you") 1) (= (strstr $conline "were splattered by") 1)) [
        cksst = 0; sksmsg = 0; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (&& (= (strcmp (at $conline 0) " 2you") 1) (= (strstr $conline "were gibbed by") 1)) [
        cksst = 0; sksmsg = 0; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (= (strcmp $conline " 2you have the enemy flag") 1) [
        += sfst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (= (strcmp $conline " 2you have the flag") 1) [
        += sfst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (= (strcmp $conline " 2you dropped the flag") 1) [
        += dfst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (= (strcmp $conline " 2you lost the flag") 1) [
        += lfst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (= (strstr $conline " 2you have kept the flag for") 1) [
        += kfst 1; conline [  ]
    if (&& (= $gamemode 5) (= (strcmp $conline " 2you scored") 1)) [
        += cfst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (&& (= $gamemode 13) (= (strcmp $conline " 2you scored") 1)) [
        += hfst 1; conline [  ]
    ] [
    if (= (strcmp $conline " 2you suicided!") 1) [
        += suicides 1; cksst = 0; sksmsg = 0; conline [  ]
    ] []]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
    if (> $cksst $chksst) [ // Current round highest kill streak.
        chksst = $cksst
    ] []
    if (= $mplextras 1) [ // Extra console kill streak messages.
        if (&& (= $cksst 5) (= $sksmsg 0)) [
            echo $5ksmsg; sksmsg = 1; rksmsg
        ] [
        if (&& (= $cksst 10) (= $sksmsg 0)) [
            echo $10ksmsg; sksmsg = 1; rksmsg
        ] [
        if (&& (= $cksst 15) (= $sksmsg 0)) [
            echo $15ksmsg; sksmsg = 1; rksmsg
        ] [
        if (&& (= $cksst 20) (= $sksmsg 0)) [
            echo $20ksmsg; sksmsg = 1; rksmsg
        ] []]]]] []
    sleep 1 [get_stats]
// ************************************************************************************************
// Section 4: findbind stats (and related ones)
alias scopeshotcounter [
    if (= $scoping 1) [
        if (= $oldsmag (magcontent 5)) [] [
            += scopeshot 1; oldsmag = (magcontent 5)]] []]
add2eachbind attack [scopeshotcounter]
add2eachbind reload [+= m_reloaded 1]
add2eachbind jump [+= times_jumped 1]
add2eachbind crouch [+= times_crouched 1]
add2eachbind "vote 1" [+= f1s 1]
add2eachbind "vote 2" [+= f2s 1]
add2eachbind showmap [+= minimaplooks 1]
add2eachbind say [+= times_saybind 1]
add2eachbind voicecom [+= times_vc 1]
add2eachbind setscope [+= scoped 1]
// adding a counter to altaction_5 if it contains the setscope command
if (= (strcmp $altaction_5 " setscope 1; onrelease [ setscope 0 ] ") 1) [
    altaction_5 = [setscope 1; += scoped 1; scoping = 1; onrelease [ scoping = 0; setscope 0 ]]] []
// addkeypress: A method of calculating time spent not pressing keys bound with this command
alias addkeypress [
+= kibp 1
if (= $kibp 1) [+= afktime (- (millis) $tmp_millis)] []
onrelease [
-= kibp 1
if (= $kibp 0) [alias tmp_millis (millis)] []]]
// Now it is easier to correctly monitor AFK time!
add2eachbind forward [addkeypress]
add2eachbind backward [addkeypress]
add2eachbind left [addkeypress]
add2eachbind right [addkeypress]
add2eachbind crouch [addkeypress]
add2eachbind jump [addkeypress]
add2eachbind attack [addkeypress]
// A solution to determining number of times you auto-reload
alias autorlcheck [if (= $autoreload 1) [if (= (magcontent (curweapon)) 0) [if (!= (curweapon) 8) [+= autoreloaded 1; arlcbridge] [sleep 0 [autorlcheck]]] [sleep 0 [autorlcheck]]] []]
alias arlcbridge [if (= (magcontent (curweapon)) 0) [sleep 0 [arlcbridge]] [autorlcheck]]
// Storing in all-time aliases
alias section4dump [
+= afktime (- (millis) $tmp_millis)
+= at_m_reloaded $m_reloaded
+= at_jumps $times_jumped
+= at_crouch $times_crouched
+= at_f1s $f1s
+= at_f2s $f2s
+= at_minimaplooks $minimaplooks
+= at_times_saybind $times_saybind
+= at_times_vc $times_vc
+= at_afktime $afktime
+= at_autoreloaded $autoreloaded
m_reloaded = 0
autoreloaded = 0
times_jumped = 0
times_crouched = 0
f1s = 0
f2s = 0
minimaplooks = 0
times_saybind = 0
times_vc = 0
afktime = 0
addOnQuit section4dump
// ************************************************************************************************
// Section 5: Methods of reporting the stats
stats = [
        if (strcmp $arg1 "all") [
            echo ""
            echo (c 0)Here are your all-time statistics:
            echo ""
            echo (c 2)Scored: (c 5) $atcfst
            echo (c 2)Dropped: (c 5) $atdfst
            echo (c 2)Hunted: (c 5) $athfst
            echo (c 2)Kept: (c 5) $atkfst
            echo (c 2)Stolen: (c 5) $atsfst
            echo (c 2)Flag Ratio: (c 5) $atfratio
            echo (c 2)Flags PM: (c 5) $atflagspm
            echo ""
            echo (c 2)Frags: (c 5) $atfrags
            echo (c 2)Frags PM: (c 5) $atfragspm
            echo (c 2)Deaths: (c 5) $atdeaths
            echo (c 2)Deaths PM: (c 5) $atdeathpm
            echo (c 2)Suicides: (c 5) $atsuicides
            echo (c 2)Score: (c 5) $atscore
            echo (c 2)Average Score: (c 5) $atscoreavg
        if (< $atdeaths 2) [ // Ratio = # of kills until >= the 2nd death.
            echo (c 2)Ratio: (c 5) (concatword $atfrags .0)
        ] [
            echo (c 2)Ratio: (c 5) $atratio
            echo (c 2)Gibs: (c 5) $atgbst
            echo (c 2)Headshots: (c 5) $athsst
            echo (c 2)Knife Gibs: (c 5) $atknst
            echo (c 2)Splatters: (c 5) $atspst
            echo (c 2)Highest KS: (c 5) $athksst
            echo (c 2)FTK's: (c 5) $atftkst
            echo (c 2)HTK's: (c 5) $athtkst
            echo (c 2)STK's: (c 5) $atstkst
            echo (c 2)KTK's: (c 5) $atktkst
            echo (c 2)GTK's: (c 5) $atgtkst
            echo (c 2)Total TK's: (c 5) $attkst
            echo ""
            echo (c 2)Sniper: (c 5) (concatword $atsniper / $atsniperdmg)
            echo (c 2)SMG: (c 5) (concatword $atsmg / $atsmgdmg)
            echo (c 2)AR: (c 5) (concatword $atar / $atardmg)
            echo (c 2)Shotgun: (c 5) (concatword $atshot / $atshotdmg)
            echo (c 2)Carbine: (c 5) (concatword $atcarb / $atcarbdmg)
            echo (c 2)Pistol: (c 5) (concatword $atusp / $atuspdmg)
            echo (c 2)Akimbo: (c 5) (concatword $ataki / $atakidmg)
            echo (c 2)Grenade: (c 5) (concatword $atnade / $atnadedmg)
            echo (c 2)Knife: (c 5) (concatword $atknife / $atknifedmg)
            echo (c 2)Manual Reloads: (c 5) $at_m_reloaded
            echo (c 2)Automatic Reloads: (c 5) $at_autoreloaded
            echo (c 2)Scopes: (c 5) $atscoped
            echo (c 2)Scope Shot: (c 5) $atscopeshot
            echo ""
            echo (c 2)TDM: (c 5) $tdmst
            echo (c 2)DM: (c 5) $dmst
            echo (c 2)TSURV: (c 5) $tsvst
            echo (c 2)SURV: (c 5) $svst
            echo (c 2)CTF: (c 5) $ctfst
            echo (c 2)HTF: (c 5) $htfst
            echo (c 2)TKTF: (c 5) $tktfst
            echo (c 2)KTF: (c 5) $ktfst
            echo (c 2)PF: (c 5) $pfst
            echo (c 2)LSS: (c 5) $lssst
            echo (c 2)TOSOK: (c 5) $tosokst
            echo (c 2)OSOK: (c 5) $osokst
            echo (c 2)BTDM: (c 5) $btdmst
            echo (c 2)BDM: (c 5) $bdmst
            echo (c 2)BOSOK: (c 5) $bosokst
            echo (c 2)COOP: (c 5) $coopst
            echo ""
            echo (c 2)ac_aqueous: (c 5) $aqueousst
            echo (c 2)ac_arabian: (c 5) $arabianst
            echo (c 2)ac_arctic: (c 5) $arcticst
            echo (c 2)ac_arid: (c 5) $aridst
            echo (c 2)ac_complex: (c 5) $complexst
            echo (c 2)ac_depot: (c 5) $depotst
            echo (c 2)ac_desert: (c 5) $desertst
            echo (c 2)ac_desert2: (c 5) $desert2st
            echo (c 2)ac_desert3: (c 5) $desert3st
            echo (c 2)ac_douze: (c 5) $douzest
            echo (c 2)ac_elevation: (c 5) $elevationst
            echo (c 2)ac_gothic: (c 5) $gothicst
            echo (c 2)ac_iceroad: (c 5) $iceroadst
            echo (c 2)ac_ingress: (c 5) $ingressst
            echo (c 2)ac_keller: (c 5) $kellerst
            echo (c 2)ac_mines: (c 5) $minesst
            echo (c 2)ac_outpost: (c 5) $outpostst
            echo (c 2)ac_power: (c 5) $powerst
            echo (c 2)ac_rattrap: (c 5) $rattrapst
            echo (c 2)ac_scaffold: (c 5) $scaffoldst
            echo (c 2)ac_shine: (c 5) $shinest
            echo (c 2)ac_snow: (c 5) $snowst
            echo (c 2)ac_sunset: (c 5) $sunsetst
            echo (c 2)ac_toxic: (c 5) $toxicst
            echo (c 2)ac_urban: (c 5) $urbanst
            echo (c 2)ac_werk: (c 5) $werkst
            echo (c 2)Offical: (c 5) $offmpst
            echo (c 2)Custom: (c 5) $cstmpst
            echo ""
            echo (c 2)AC Starts: (c 5) $acstart
            echo (c 2)Games Played: (c 5) $games_played
            echo (c 2)CLA: (c 5) $clast
            echo (c 2)RVSF: (c 5) $rvsfst
            echo (c 2)FFA: (c 5) $ffast
            echo (c 2)Bot: (c 5) $botst
            echo (c 2)GG: (c 5) $ggst
            echo (c 2)Jumps: (c 5) $at_jumps
            echo (c 2)Crouched: (c 5) $at_crouch
            echo (c 2)F1's: (c 5) $at_f1s
            echo (c 2)F2's: (c 5) $at_f2s
            echo (c 2)Minimap: (c 5) $at_minimaplooks
            echo (c 2)Say: (c 5) $at_times_saybind
            echo (c 2)Voicecom: (c 5) $at_times_vc
            echo (c 2)Camp: (concat (c 5) (divf $at_afktime 60000) "minutes.")
        ] [
            echo ""
            echo (c 0)Here are your current round statistics:
            echo ""
            echo (c 2)Scored: (c 5) $cfst
            echo (c 2)Dropped: (c 5) $dfst
            echo (c 2)Hunted: (c 5) $hfst
            echo (c 2)Kept: (c 5) $kfst
            echo (c 2)Lost: (c 5) $lfst
            echo (c 2)Stolen: (c 5) $sfst
            echo (c 2)Flag Ratio: (c 5) $fratio
            echo (c 2)Flags PM: (c 5) $flags_per_minute
            echo ""
            echo (c 2)Frags: (c 5) $curfrags
            echo (c 2)Frags PM: (c 5) $frags_per_minute
            echo (c 2)Deaths: (c 5) $curdeaths
            echo (c 2)Deaths PM: (c 5) $death_per_minute
            echo (c 2)Suicides: (c 5) $suicides
        if (= $connected 1) [
            echo (c 2)Score: (c 5) $curscore
        ] [
            echo (c 2)Score: (c 5) N/A
        if (< $curdeaths 2) [
            echo (c 2)Ratio: (c 5) (concatword $curfrags .0)
        ] [
            echo (c 2)Ratio: (c 5) $curratio
            echo (c 2)Gibs: (c 5) $gbst
            echo (c 2)Headshots: (c 5) $hsst
            echo (c 2)Knife Gibs: (c 5) $knst
            echo (c 2)Splatters: (c 5) $spst
            echo (c 2)Current KS: (c 5) $cksst
            echo (c 2)Highest KS: (c 5) $chksst
            echo (c 2)FTK's: (c 5) $ftkst
            echo (c 2)HTK's: (c 5) $htkst
            echo (c 2)STK's: (c 5) $htkst
            echo (c 2)KTK's: (c 5) $ktkst
            echo (c 2)GTK's: (c 5) $gtkst
            echo (c 2)Total TK's: (c 5) $tkst
            echo ""
        if (= $connected 1) [
            echo (c 2)Sniper: (c 5) (concatword $cursniper / $cursniperdmg)
            echo (c 2)SMG: (c 5) (concatword $cursmg / $cursmgdmg)
            echo (c 2)AR: (c 5) (concatword $curar / $curardmg)
            echo (c 2)Shotgun: (c 5) (concatword $curshot / $curshotdmg)
            echo (c 2)Carbine: (c 5) (concatword $curcarb / $curcarbdmg)
            echo (c 2)Pistol: (c 5) (concatword $curusp / $curuspdmg)
            echo (c 2)Akimbo: (c 5) (concatword $curaki / $curakidmg)
            echo (c 2)Grenade: (c 5) (concatword $curnade / $curnadedmg)
            echo (c 2)Knife: (c 5) (concatword $curknife / $curknifedmg)
            echo (c 2)Manual Reloads: (c 5) $m_reloaded
            echo (c 2)Auto Reloads: (c 5) $autoreloaded
            echo (c 2)Scopes: (c 5) $scoped
            echo (c 2)Scope Shot: (c 5) $scopeshot
            echo ""
            echo (c 4)Weapon stats are currently shots/damage.
        ] [
            echo (c 2)Sniper: (c 5) $cursniper
            echo (c 2)SMG: (c 5) $cursmg
            echo (c 2)AR: (c 5) $curar
            echo (c 2)Shotgun: (c 5) $curshot
            echo (c 2)Carbine: (c 5) $curcarb
            echo (c 2)Pistol: (c 5) $curusp
            echo (c 2)Akimbo: (c 5) $curaki
            echo (c 2)Grenade: (c 5) $curnade
            echo (c 2)Knife: (c 5) $curknife
            echo (c 2)Manual Reloads: (c 5) $m_reloaded
            echo (c 2)Auto Reloads: (c 5) $autoreloaded
            echo (c 2)Scopes: (c 5) $scoped
            echo (c 2)Scope Shot: (c 5) $scopeshot
            echo ""
            echo (c 4)Weapon stats for SP are currently # of shots fired.
            echo ""
            echo (c 2)Jumps: (c 5) $times_jumped
            echo (c 2)Crouched: (c 5) $times_crouched
            echo (c 2)F1's: (c 5) $f1s
            echo (c 2)F2's: (c 5) $f2s
            echo (c 2)Minimap: (c 5) $minimaplooks
            echo (c 2)Say: (c 5) $times_saybind
            echo (c 2)Voicecom: (c 5) $times_vc
            echo (c 2)Camp: (concat (c 5) (divf $afktime 1000) "seconds.")
autostatsdump = [
    if (= $arg1 1) [
        autosd = 1
        echo (c 1)MPL: (c 4)Automatic stats dump (c 0)enabled!
    ] [
        autosd = 0
        echo (c 1)MPL: (c 4)Automatic stats dump (c 3)disabled!
// showtotaltime: echoes total time spent in-game.
alias showtotaltime [
echo ----------------
echo (c 0)Total AC time:
if $hoursplayed [echo (c 3)$hoursplayed hours] []
if $minutesplayed [echo (c 3)$minutesplayed minutes] []
echo (c 3)$secondsplayed seconds]
// show_pm_stats: echoes current per-minute stats.
alias show_pm_stats [
echo ----------------
echo (c 0)Current per-minute stats:
if (= (curmodeattr flag) 1) [echo (c 3)$flags_per_minute flags per minute] []
echo (c 3)$frags_per_minute frags per minute
echo (c 3)$death_per_minute deaths per minute]
// rksmsg: Reset the kill streak messages anti-spam measure... :p
rksmsg = [sleep 20000 [sksmsg = 0]]
// rksmsgs: Used by the mod menu to reset kill streak messages to defaults.
rksmsgs = [
    5ksmsg = " 05x 3kill streak!"
    10ksmsg = " 010x 3kill streak!"
    15ksmsg = " 015x 3kill streak!"
    20ksmsg = " 020x 3kill streak!"
        closemenu "MPL Mod"
        sleep 1 [showmenu "MPL Mod"]]
// conextras: Used for allowing players to easily enable/disable the extra kill streak messages.
conextras = [
    if (= $arg1 1) [
        mplextras = 1
        echo (c 1)MPL: (c 4)Extra console messages (c 0)enabled! (c 4)Use /conextras 0 to disable.
    ] [
        mplextras = 0
        echo (c 1)MPL: (c 4)Extra console messages (c 3)disabled! (c 4)Use /conextras 1 to enable.]]

// Mod menu for easily customizing the extra kill streak messages.
newmenu "MPL Mod"
menuinit [echo (c 1)MPL: (c 4)This menu allows you to easily modify the various kill streak messages while using (c 0)/conextras 1.]
menuitemtextinput " 25x Kill Streak: " "result $5ksmsg" "5ksmsg = $arg1" "" 32
menuitemtextinput " 210x Kill Streak: " "result $10ksmsg" "10ksmsg = $arg1" "" 32
menuitemtextinput " 215x Kill Streak: " "result $15ksmsg" "15ksmsg = $arg1" "" 32
menuitemtextinput " 220x Kill Streak: " "result $20ksmsg" "20ksmsg = $arg1" "" 32
menuitem "" -1
menuitemcheckbox " 3Reset to defaults: " "" "rksmsgs"
menuitem "                   0OK" [ closemenu "MPL Mod" ]

// A menu seemed like it would be the easiest and most asthetically pleasing method of displaying the stats...IDK
newmenu "Current Round Statistics"
menuinit [(calc)]
menuitemvar [concat (c 4)Here are your stats for $modest (concatword (curmap 1) :)]
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concat (c 0) "        ~Flags~"]
menuitemtextinput " 2Scored: " "result $cfst" // CTF Flags
menuitemtextinput " 2Dropped: " "result $dfst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Hunted: " "result $hfst" // HTF Flags
menuitemtextinput " 2Kept: " "result $kfst"   // TKTF/KTF Flags
menuitemtextinput " 3Lost: " "result $lfst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Stolen: " "result $sfst" // # of times carrying flag.
menuitemtextinput " 2Flag Ratio: " "result $fratio"
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concat (c 3) "        ~Kills~" ]
menuitemtextinput " 2Frags: " "result $curfrags"
menuitemtextinput " 3Deaths: " "result $curdeaths"
menuitemtextinput " 3Suicides: " "result $suicides"
menuitemtextinput " 2Score: " "result $curscore"
menuitemtextinput " 2Ratio: " "result $curratio"
menuitemtextinput " 2Gibs: " "result $gbst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Headshots: " "result $hsst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Knife Gibs: " "result $knst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Splatters: " "result $spst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Current KS: " "result $cksst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Highest KS: " "result $chksst"
menuitemtextinput " 3FTK's: " "result $ftkst"
menuitemtextinput " 3HTK's: " "result $htkst"
menuitemtextinput " 3STK's: " "result $stkst"
menuitemtextinput " 3KTK's: " "result $ktkst"
menuitemtextinput " 3GTK's: " "result $gtkst"
menuitemtextinput " 7Total TK's: " "result $tkst"
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concat (c 1) "      ~Weapons~" ]
menuitemtextinput " 2Sniper: " [(concatword $cursniper / $cursniperdmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2SMG: " [(concatword $cursmg / $cursmgdmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2AR: " [(concatword $curar / $curardmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2Shotgun: " [(concatword $curshot / $curshotdmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2Carbine: " [(concatword $curcarb / $curcarbdmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2Pistol: " [(concatword $curusp / $curuspdmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2Akimbo: " [(concatword $curaki / $curakidmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2Grenade: " [(concatword $curnade / $curnadedmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2Knife: " [(concatword $curknife / $curknifedmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2Manual Reloads: " "result $m_reloaded"
menuitemtextinput " 2Automatic Reloads: " "result $autoreloaded"
menuitemtextinput " 2Scopes: " "result $scoped"
menuitemtextinput " 2Scope Shot: " "result $scopeshot"
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concat (c 4)Weapon stats are currently shots/damage.]
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concat (c 6) "    ~Per Minute Stats~" ]
menuitemtextinput " 2Flags: " "result $flags_per_minute"
menuitemtextinput " 2Frags: " "result $frags_per_minute"
menuitemtextinput " 2Deaths: " "result $death_per_minute"
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concat (c 6) "        ~Other~" ]
menuitemtextinput " 2Jumps: " "result $times_jumped"
menuitemtextinput " 2Crouch: " "result $times_crouched"
menuitemtextinput " 2F1's: " "result $f1s"
menuitemtextinput " 2F2's: " "result $f2s"
menuitemtextinput " 2Minimap: " "result $minimaplooks"
menuitemtextinput " 2Say: " "result $times_saybind"
menuitemtextinput " 2Voicecom: " "result $times_vc"
menuitemtextinput " 2Camp Time: " [ result (concat (divf $afktime 1000) "seconds") ] // Total seconds.

newmenu "All-Time Statistics"
menuinit [(calc)]
menuitemvar [concat (c 4)Here are your all-time stats:]
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concat (c 0) "        ~Flags~"]
menuitemtextinput " 2Scored: " "result $atcfst" // CTF Flags
menuitemtextinput " 2Dropped: " "result $atdfst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Hunted: " "result $athfst" // HTF Flags
menuitemtextinput " 2Kept: " "result $atkfst"   // TKTF/KTF Flags
menuitemtextinput " 3Lost: " "result $atlfst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Stolen: " "result $atsfst" // # of times carrying flag.
menuitemtextinput " 2Flag Ratio: " "result $atfratio"
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concat (c 3) "        ~Kills~" ]
menuitemtextinput " 2Frags: " "result $atfrags"
menuitemtextinput " 3Deaths: " "result $atdeaths"
menuitemtextinput " 3Suicides: " "result $atsuicides"
menuitemtextinput " 2Score: " "result $atscore"
menuitemtextinput " 2Average Score: " "result $atscoreavg"
menuitemtextinput " 2Ratio: " "result $atratio"
menuitemtextinput " 2Gibs: " "result $atgbst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Headshots: " "result $athsst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Knife Gibs: " "result $atknst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Splatters: " "result $atspst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Highest KS: " "result $athksst"
menuitemtextinput " 3FTK's: " "result $atftkst"
menuitemtextinput " 3HTK's: " "result $athtkst"
menuitemtextinput " 3STK's: " "result $atstkst"
menuitemtextinput " 3KTK's: " "result $atktkst"
menuitemtextinput " 3GTK's: " "result $atgtkst"
menuitemtextinput " 7Total TK's: " "result $attkst"
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concat (c 1) "      ~Weapons~" ]
menuitemtextinput " 2Sniper: " [(concatword $atsniper / $atsniperdmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2SMG: " [(concatword $atsmg / $atsmgdmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2AR: " [(concatword $atar / $atardmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2Shotgun: " [(concatword $atshot / $atshotdmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2Carbine: " [(concatword $atcarb / $atcarbdmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2Pistol: " [(concatword $atusp / $atuspdmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2Akimbo: " [(concatword $ataki / $atakidmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2Grenade: " [(concatword $atnade / $atnadedmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2Knife: " [(concatword $atknife / $atknifedmg)]
menuitemtextinput " 2Manual Reloads: " "result $at_m_reloaded"
menuitemtextinput " 2Auto Reloads: " "result $at_autoreloaded"
menuitemtextinput " 2Scopes: " "result $atscoped"
menuitemtextinput " 2Scope Shot: " "result $atscopeshot"
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concat (c 4)Weapon stats are currently shots/damage.]
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concat (c 6) "    ~Per Minute Stats~" ]
menuitemtextinput " 2Flags: " "result $atflagspm"
menuitemtextinput " 2Frags: " "result $atfragspm"
menuitemtextinput " 2Deaths: " "result $atdeathpm"
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concat (c 6) "        ~Modes~" ]
menuitemtextinput " 2TDM: " "result $tdmst"
menuitemtextinput " 2DM: " "result $dmst"
menuitemtextinput " 2TSURV: " "result $tsvst"
menuitemtextinput " 2SURV: " "result $svst"
menuitemtextinput " 2CTF: " "result $ctfst"
menuitemtextinput " 2HTF: " "result $htfst"
menuitemtextinput " 2TKTF: " "result $tktfst"
menuitemtextinput " 2KTF: " "result $ktfst"
menuitemtextinput " 2PF: " "result $pfst"
menuitemtextinput " 2LSS: " "result $lssst"
menuitemtextinput " 2TOSOK: " "result $tosokst"
menuitemtextinput " 2OSOK: " "result $osokst"
menuitemtextinput " 2BTDM: " "result $btdmst"
menuitemtextinput " 2BDM: " "result $bdmst"
menuitemtextinput " 2BOSOK: " "result $bosokst"
menuitemtextinput " 2COOP: " "result $coopst"
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concat (c 7) "        ~Maps~" ]
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_aqueous: " "result $aqueousst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_arabian: " "result $arabianst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_arctic: " "result $arcticst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_arid: " "result $aridst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_complex: " "result $complexst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_depot: " "result $depotst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_desert: " "result $desertst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_desert2: " "result $desert2st"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_desert3: " "result $desert3st"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_douze: " "result $douzest"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_elevation: " "result $elevationst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_gothic: " "result $gothicst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_iceroad: " "result $iceroadst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_ingress: " "result $ingressst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_keller: " "result $kellerst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_mines: " "result $minesst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_outpost: " "result $outpostst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_power: " "result $powerst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_rattrap: " "result $rattrapst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_scaffold: " "result $scaffoldst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_shine: " "result $shinest"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_snow: " "result $snowst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_sunset: " "result $sunsetst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_toxic: " "result $toxicst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_urban: " "result $urbanst"
menuitemtextinput " 2ac_werk: " "result $werkst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Official: " "result $offmpst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Custom: " "result $cstmpst"
menuitem "" -1
menuitemvar [concat (c 0) "        ~Other~" ]
menuitemtextinput " 2AC Starts: " "result $acstart"
menuitemtextinput " 2Games Played: " "result $games_played"
menuitemtextinput " 3CLA: " "result $clast"
menuitemtextinput " 1RVSF: " "result $rvsfst"
menuitemtextinput " 4FFA: " "result $ffast"
menuitemtextinput " 2Bot: " "result $botst"
menuitemtextinput " 2GG: " "result $ggst"
menuitemtextinput " 2Jumps: " "result $at_jumps"
menuitemtextinput " 2Crouch: " "result $at_crouch"
menuitemtextinput " 2F1's: " "result $at_f1s"
menuitemtextinput " 2F2's: " "result $at_f2s"
menuitemtextinput " 2Minimap: " "result $at_minimaplooks"
menuitemtextinput " 2Say: " "result $at_times_saybind"
menuitemtextinput " 2Voicecom: " "result $at_times_vc"
menuitemtextinput " 2Camping time: " [ result (concat (divf $at_afktime 60000) "minutes.") ]
menuitemtextinput " 2AC Hours: " "result $hoursplayed" // Total AC time.
menuitemtextinput " 2AC Minutes: " "result $minutesplayed"
menuitemtextinput " 2AC Seconds: " "result $secondsplayed"

showcurstatsbind = [
    += afktime (- (millis) $tmp_millis)
    showmenu "Current Round Statistics"
    onrelease [alias tmp_millis (millis); closemenu "Current Round Statistics"]]
showatstatsbind = [
    += afktime (- (millis) $tmp_millis)
    showmenu "All-Time Statistics"
    onrelease [alias tmp_millis (millis); closemenu "All-Time Statistics"]]
statsmenu = [
    if (strcmp $arg1 "all") [
        showmenu "All-Time Statistics"
    ] [
        showmenu "Current Round Statistics"]]
modmenu = [    showmenu "MPL Mod" ]

// bind BACKQUOTE [showcurstatsbind]
// bind RSHIFT [showatstatsbind]

docsection [MPL] // In-game documentation of the script's various commands.

docident [clrst] [ 1MPL: 5Clears the current round stats.]
docexample [/clrst] []

docident [clrats] [ 1MPL: 5Clears the all-time stats.]
docargument [A] [Clears the values only if this is set to 01.]
docexample [/clrats 1] []

docident [conextras] [ 1MPL: 5Displays extra skill based messages.]
docargument [A] [Displays messages if this is set to 01.]
docexample [/conextras 1] [ 0Enables 5the messages.]
docexample [/conextras 0] [ 3Disables 5the messages.]

docident [modmenu] [ 1MPL: 5Displays the MPL Mod menu.]
docremark [Allows you to easily customize the kill streak messages.]
docexample [/modmenu]

docident [stats] [ 1MPL: 5Prints your current round stats to the console.]
docargument [A] [Prints your all time stats to the console if this is set to 0"all".]
docexample [/stats] [Prints your current round stats.]
docexample [/stats all] [Prints your all-time stats.]

docident [autostatsdump] [Enables or disables automatic stats dumps during intermissions. Useful for stat collection via client logs.]
docargument [A] [ 1 = enabled 4; 30 = disabled]
docexample [/autostatsdump 1] [Enables]
docexample [/autostatsdump 0] [Disables]

docident [statsmenu] [ 1MPL: 5Shows your current round stats menu.]
docargument [A] [Shows your all-time stats menu if this is set to 0"all".]
docexample [/statsmenu] [Shows your current round stats menu.]
docexample [/statsmenu all] [Shows your all-time stats menu.]

docident [show_pm_stats] [Shows per-minute stats: flags, frags, deaths.]

docident [showtotaltime] [Shows how much time you've spent in-game, total.]
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2013-07-28, 09:21 AM
RE: Adding Ladder from ac
@axander, I put your script into [code] tags.

Best regards,
Your antithesis compares favorably with any high magnitude of pwnage. (-you > |p|, you < -|p|)
My antithesis compares favorably with _that of_ any high magnitude of pwnage. (|-me| > |-p|, |me| > |p|)
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2013-07-28, 01:01 PM
RE: Adding Ladder from ac
really thanks! but someone can tell me how we can add a ladder? For now my server is the only official online lol!
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2013-08-03, 07:48 AM
RE: Adding Ladder from ac
i found a nice 1v1 ladder (web ) script for ilch cms but it should work elsewhere too. im writing @ a mobile phone from holiday so look @>ladder && Google for it (or

The C Programming Language: combines the flexibility of assembly language with the power of assembly language.
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